Thursday, November 30, 2023


    As part of the weekly radio programme, we teacher trainees of the English Department were asked to engage the students for one hour. We decided to make them play some language games. 

    First, we had a "Spell It" competition where the students were asked to spell the uttered words correctly. Then, we conducted the "Letters on the Back" game, where students guessed the letters written on their backs by another student. 

    Lastly, we played the "Chinese Whisper" game, which turned out to be hilarious when the final message was received. It was a fun and interactive way to teach and learn language skills.

Wednesday, November 29, 2023


    On November 29th, 2023, due to time constraints, we conducted both sociometry and a field study on the same day. Sociometry was carried out in the 8th class, where students responded to 10 prepared questions to understand their social organization and relationships. 

    Analyzing their answers helped us identify stars, cliques, mutual friendships, and isolated individuals. This method enabled us to grasp the class dynamics and implement necessary changes to enhance their relationships. Special attention was given to isolated students, ensuring they were included in all activities to prevent further isolation.

    Later that evening, students received a lesson on the importance of health and hygiene, emphasizing the need to maintain clean surroundings. We conducted a tour around the school, collecting plastic wrappers and other waste, ensuring cleanliness in the toilets, and demonstrating proper handwashing techniques.

    The field study empowered students to adopt a healthy lifestyle by understanding the importance of cleanliness and hygiene in their surroundings.


Tuesday, November 28, 2023


    After delivering a lesson, it's essential to gauge students' understanding through an achievement test, which provides valuable insights into their comprehension and retention levels. On November 28th, 2023, I administered an achievement test covering three chapters, allocating 25 marks and 40 minutes for completion. 

    Having informed the students about the test in advance and provided them with all necessary notes while clarifying doubts, I aimed to ascertain the effectiveness of my teaching methods and the extent to which the students had absorbed the material.

    The questions were thoughtfully crafted based on Bloom's taxonomy, encompassing various cognitive levels to challenge students and assess their depth of understanding. Dictating and writing down the questions on the whiteboard ensured clarity and accessibility for all students. During the test, I diligently invigilated to prevent any instances of copying, maintaining the integrity of the assessment process.

    Upon collecting the answer sheets and commencing evaluation during my free hours, I observed a significant challenge among Malayalam medium students who struggled with English proficiency, hindering their ability to articulate their understanding effectively. This realization prompted me to conduct a diagnostic test focused on areas where students made the most mistakes.

    Taking proactive steps, I spent the evening preparing targeted questions to address the identified areas of difficulty. The following morning, I dedicated time to clarifying doubts and providing personalized guidance to each student, helping them understand their mistakes and suggesting measures for improvement. This approach not only facilitates individual growth but also fosters a supportive learning environment where students feel empowered to overcome challenges and strive for academic excellence. 

Thursday, November 23, 2023


    A food fest was organized at the school on November 23, 2023, to promote values of sharing and caring. Millet products were the main items sold, highlighting the nutritional benefits of millets. The event aimed to educate students about healthy eating habits and the importance of traditional grains. 

    Additionally, the fest served as a practical lesson in financial literacy, as students participated in selling the food to understand the value of money and basic economic principles.


    Amidst all the stress, our family decided to take a break and watch a movie, "Falimy," at Kala bhavan Theatre in Vazhuthacaud, near our house. "Falimy" turned out to be a delightful experience, blending humor with touching moments that resonated deeply. 

    The film's portrayal of family dynamics and relationships struck a chord with us, leaving us laughing and reflecting on the importance of familial bonds. It was a much-needed stress buster, offering an enjoyable escape from our hectic lives.

Friday, November 17, 2023


    Teaching disaster management to students is crucial as it provides them with the skills to respond effectively during emergencies, potentially saving lives. Knowing how to act during critical moments reduces panic and increases safety, ensuring students are prepared for unexpected situations both in and out of school.

    On November 17, 2023, the school, along with the Thiruvananthapuram Municipal Corporation and the Geo-Hazards Society, organized a School Disaster Management Programme at the Kaveri Block open space. The event started at 1 PM and included training on essential disaster response techniques such as CPR, choking, and measures for handling fires, earthquakes, landslides, and floods.

    Both students and teachers found the program very beneficial. The students learned how to react in emergencies, which boosted their confidence. For teachers, the program reinforced their roles as first responders, ensuring they are prepared to lead and protect students during disasters. The event highlighted the importance of community involvement in disaster preparedness, making it a valuable experience for everyone.

Thursday, November 16, 2023


    On November 16th, my class was observed by our subject expert, Ms. Meekha Suraj Koshy. She informed me the previous day about her visit, prompting me to prepare diligently. Despite initial worries and confusion about whether my teaching would meet her expectations, I regained my confidence and prepared PowerPoint slides and a picture chart for the lesson on "The Nightingale and the Rose". 

    The class commenced with an entry activity centered around the sound made by the nightingale, followed by a quick recap of our previous lesson through a link talk with my students. Utilizing a discourse construction activity, I presented an engaging video highlighting the intensity of human impact on nature and animals. 

    The feedback from Ms. Koshy exceeded my expectations and served as positive reinforcement, motivating me to continue improving and growing stronger in my teaching practice.

Tuesday, November 14, 2023



"Children are the world's most valuable resource and its best hope for the future."

– John F. Kennedy

    For teachers, children are indispensable part of their lives. Today we are celebrating them, wishing them the lives of their dreams. As I reached school, I was welcomed by the sweet radiance of my little buds of 5B. They wandered and buzzed like busy bees. I couldn't even turn around and keep my things in place. 

    At times, I realize that these are indeed the moments we need to cherish in our lives. We had a special assembly and all students were given sweets.  I took my class with full spirits and towards the end played with them.

Thursday, November 9, 2023


"Exercise not only changes your body, it changes your mind, your attitude and your mood."

    Incorporating aerobics into school curricula is crucial as it enhances students' physical health by improving cardiovascular fitness, managing weight, and strengthening muscles and bones. It also boosts mental health by reducing stress and anxiety, while promoting better academic performance, social skills, and lifelong healthy habits. 
    Keeping these benefits in mind, the school decided to have an aerobic class every evening. It was primarily a Zumba class where students sweated with dance, enjoying each and every moment. Everyone took part without any inhibitions, and the two trainers were quite happy with the cooperation and active participation of the students. We were also asked to take part, and it was like we were just waiting to be asked. 

    These kinds of regular aerobic activity in schools foster holistic development, preparing students for healthier and more productive lives.

Wednesday, November 8, 2023


    Since the school chosen for our teaching practice was located almost 10 km away from our college, the teachers found it difficult to visit us frequently and observe our classes. The previous day, Maya ma'am informed us that she would be evaluating the class the next day. We were waiting for her, and by 11 a.m., she arrived at the school and interacted with us casually. This reduced our tension, and she observed my class first. 

    I taught two paragraphs from the prose "The Nightingale and the Rose" and tried to imbue in them the importance of true love. She observed the class and gave me positive remarks, which really energized my teaching process later. A teacher's reinforcement can create an indelible mark in the life of a student.

Friday, November 3, 2023



    On November 3rd, the 8th standard students of Government HSS Peroorkada participated in the Keraleeyam tour, an initiative by the Kerala government aimed at enhancing cultural awareness and historical knowledge among school students. We, the student teachers, accompanied them on school buses to Kanakakkunnu and Niyamasabha. 

    During the tour, the students experienced a variety of traditional art forms and explored ancient artifacts used by their ancestors, gaining insight into Kerala's rich historical background. At Niyamasabha, they attended a book fair organized by D.C. Books and other prominent publishers. 

    The tour concluded with a return at 4 PM, leaving the students happy, contented, and enriched by the experience. The Keraleeyam tour is significant for its role in preserving cultural heritage and educating young minds about the historical and cultural wealth of Kerala.

Wednesday, November 1, 2023


    It’s believed that Kerala, God's Own Country, was born on November 1st. My happiness was doubled as my exams were over and, at the same time, I could be back with my angels, my students. Teaching them was not at all boring or tiresome for me. I also learned a lot from them—to be patient, kind, and impartial. 

    Today, we, the student teachers, decided to wear the traditional Kasavu saree to school. The state government also started the "Keraleeyam" program, which was to be organized in every school in Kerala. As part of the program, students organized cultural events like Thiruvathira, folk dance, Nadan Pattu, cinematic dance, Naga dance, etc. 

    We really enjoyed the spectacle. Classes resumed after the program. I thought there would be some starting trouble after so many days away from teaching, but I managed the class in a better way, which boosted my confidence.


"Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success." – Albert Schweitzer After working tirelessly to find the r...