Friday, October 13, 2023


    Our second semester exams were scheduled to start next week, and as a result, we were asked to terminate our teaching practice until the exams were over. Today was the last class before the exams. When I informed my students that we would be meeting again only on November 1st, they were quite upset. 

    At that moment, I realized that my teaching had somewhat influenced them, and it was a moment to be cherished. We took leave from the headmistress at 3 PM and started our exam preparations. It’s going to take a while for me to write again. Until then, goodbye.

Wednesday, October 11, 2023


    As usual, I reached the school by 9 AM, where I was welcomed by the pleasant smiles of my students. When I entered my class, I found the students bustling with excitement. Curious, I asked them the reason, and they eagerly informed me about the district-level quiz competition. They were all prepared and eager to participate.

    At 10 o'clock, the students were asked to assemble in the school auditorium. A senior teacher from the Social Science department conducted the quiz orally, while the students wrote down their answers. My colleagues and I were tasked with monitoring for any malpractices.

    Everyone participated with great vigor and enthusiasm. Saranya from 9B and Ansiya from 9C were selected for the next level. We congratulated the winners, and after a brief celebration, the students dispersed. 

    Classes resumed afterward. I missed a period due to the quiz session, but I compensated for it by borrowing a period from the Hindi teacher.

Tuesday, October 10, 2023


“The science of today is the technology of tomorrow.” – Edward Teller 

The highly anticipated science exhibition took place on October 10, 2023, within the school premises. Regular classes were suspended for the day, and students were grouped by different classes to manage various responsibilities. We were tasked with ensuring everything proceeded according to plan. Students from the 5th grade onwards brought charts, models, and working models, which they explained beautifully.

Several innovative projects, including a solar-powered water purifier and a central cooling system, were selected for the district-level competition to be held later. Students from other schools also participated, making it an enriching experience for me as a budding teacher. Observing the creativity and intelligence of these young minds, it seemed to me that the world is in safe hands. Children are choosing to work smart instead of hard, efficiently utilizing their time.



    An anti-drug abuse programme was organized by the school. A special team from KIMS Hospital, Trivandrum, came to the school on October 10, 2023. They arranged a skit and dance drama through which the message "Say No to Drugs" was given. Children took a pledge not to indulge in such activities.

    Such programmes are vital in schools as they educate students about the dangers of drug abuse and empower them to make healthy and informed choices. By providing engaging and interactive activities like skits and dance dramas, these initiatives capture students' attention and leave a lasting impact. 

    They also foster a supportive environment where children can openly discuss and address these critical issues, promoting a drug-free community and helping to build resilience against peer pressure and substance abuse. Additionally, involving medical professionals lends credibility to the message and allows students to receive accurate information and practical advice.

Friday, October 6, 2023


Today we had a special assembly with all the students, teachers and non teaching staffs gathered around the auditorium. A team of  young doctors from KIMS hospital were present in the assembly. The assembly commenced with a prayer which soothed our frayed minds and thus lifted our spirits. This was followed by the pledge, thought for the day, important news headlines and National anthem.

The Special panel of doctors took an awareness class on the increasing dengue cases in the city, explaining the causes, factors affecting and consequences of the spread. Proper guidance as to how to prevent the spread of dengue was given by the doctors. Steps to maintain clean environment was the major preventive measure taught. A pledge was taken to take necessary actions to remove this deadly disease from our surroundings.

Members from the Mathrubhoomi office too were present in the assembly. As part of the "Madhuram Malayalam" campaign organized by the Mathrubhoomi daily, newspapers were distributed among the school students on a daily basis. This was to promote and develop reading habit among the students and to improve their Malayalam language.

After the assembly, since I had the second hour, I took the class which went really well. Today I had the satisfaction that i could complete the class according to the lesson plan. all the activities and discourse construction went well according to my plan. After the class, we went to the assigned hall and completed our remaining lesson plans. 

The day went well with the same routine and we parted our ways @3:30 PM.

Thursday, October 5, 2023


The second day started with huge responsibilities on my shoulders as it was the for the first time I was to step in the class as a teacher. Anticipation was building in every moment but  I was excited at the same time. I decided to take a poem titled " Song of the Flower" by Khalil Gibran. Had a good rapport with the students and encouraged them to actively participate in every activity in the class. 

Different seasons were explained and the need to conserve nature and its significance was inculcated to the students. The students were so co-operative and listened attentively. The class was an integrated class with the use of both ICT and activities. 

After the class we took a tour of the school to understand the facilities and infrastructure of the school. We met our concerned teachers and took necessary suggestions regarding the lessons to be taught. teachers gave us an insight as to how to behave and handle students in and outside the classroom. 

After taking some selfies, we put our daily attendance and off we went to our homes.

Tuesday, October 3, 2023


Today was the first day of my teaching practice. Had to wait for long time as we did not get a seating arrangement. At last when we got it, it was two stairs up. Climbing the steps was an arduous task, but somehow we managed. It was a big hall upon one side, there was a big hall upon one side there was a class being held. We were seated the other side. As some of the teachers were absent, we were asked to engage some of the classes.

I was lucky enough to be in my supposed class itself. 12 out of 19 were present and students actively engaged with us. Arya from social science too came with me. We could create a good rapport with students. After the class we went to the hall, had some chitchat and planned on how to take the class further. As it was the first day, an informal interaction was what I thought to have with the students. I had 7th hour and talked about the importance of English and how its necessary to be exposed to that language.

I introduced some new words like 

  • Volunteer
  • Exposure
  • Beneficial
Then we played a sentence story game where I encouraged the students to create sentences of their own. Then I asked everyone to sing songs. Some of the students came forward and sang songs and lightened the mood. There was a divide in class like English medium and Malayalam medium which I did not like.


"Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success." – Albert Schweitzer After working tirelessly to find the r...