Tuesday, October 25, 2022



Benjamin Franklin has famously quoted,” Hide not your talents. They for use were made. What's a sundial in the shade?"

I really believe that everyone has a talent, ability or skill that he/ she can mine to support himself / herself and to succeed in life. Recognizing the need to embrace, enrich, and to celebrate our talents, Mar Theophilus Training College organised the annually conducted TALENT HUNT 2022 from 25th October 2022 on wards . They were determined to hunt down our talents and cast away all our inhibitions. At first We were so anxious of how to perform. 

We the English department were  always the first in lot and had to showcase the talent on 25th October. We were given 40 minutes and since our class contained almost double members than other departments, it was noticed that we could exceed the time limit utmost by 5 minutes. 

We all planned accordingly and several ideas popped inside our heads. But alas we thought to perform a group song, a group dance and a story narration. The practice sessions were really enjoyable and we through teamwork got really synced to each other. It seemed as if we were all a big family. I really liked those practice days. Even though we were super tired, our minds were brimming with energy.

Our talent show "virtuoso" was a great success. 

      Our announcement poster....

Got a chance to anchor the programme...      

   Anandu and Arya nailing with a couple dance

Jayadhar with his story of changing love....    

     Singing rapturously in unison....


"Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success." – Albert Schweitzer After working tirelessly to find the r...