“Goodbyes make you think. They make you realize what you’ve had, what you’ve lost, and what you’ve taken for granted.” – Ritu Ghatourey
Bidding farewell to my almamater, UNIVERSITY COLLEGE, was really hard thing to me. For the past 5 years, it has been my only place of solace where i could lighten all my burdens. A place that moulded me and made me what iam today. Where i made a family of my own and experienced all ups and down. My heart was heavy as I left the college.
I didn't wish the farewell to happen and waited it to prolong. but our juniors along with our beautiful teachers arranged an evergreen memory in the form of a farewell ceremony. As the day approached my mind was confused with mixed emotions. but 21st October 2022 was a day worth remembering. We in our beautiful attires took some selfies first as we reached. our juniors were busy arranging the venue. we were throwed back to our memory island and we wished the day not to end. some of us talked after our long time and accepted our differences. We ate our lunch together and our juniors engaged us with little memorable tasks which was fun at its best. We also had a treasure hunt and were gifted with a hand made farewell card.
We cried and laughed at the same time. Its strange indeed. isn't ?
Through thick and thin , this girl stood by me. My dear MV 💖Iam contented that she is with me to the journey in MTTC.
Here lies our support..... our teachers